Perforation of Tympanic Membrane – Causes and Symptoms


Perforation of tympanic membrane

Description of the disease

Perforation of tympanic membrane means damage of integrity of the membrane located in the middle ear. It consists of the thin layer of tissue and separating the external acoustic meatus and the middle ear.

Perforation of tympanic membrane may cause impairment of hearing. Perforation also causes rising of the risk of infecting and damage of the middle ear.

Sometimes perforation of tympanic membrane heals without any treatment in several weeks, although sometimes it requires surgical intervention.

Causes of perforation of tympanic membrane include as follows:

  • infection of the middle ear – otitis;
  • barotraumas;
  • noise – acoustic trauma;
  • foreign body in the ear;
  • severe injury of head etc.

Signs and symptoms:

  • earache, which rapidly relieves;
  • transparent, purulent or bloody discharge from ear;
  • impaired hearing
  • noise in ears
  • vertigo
  • nausea or vomiting due to vertigo

When should  we  visit physician?

Visit the physician if you have the signs or symptoms typical for perforation of tympanic membrane. Timely and proper treatment will help you to avoid any complications!


Otorhinolaryngologist Nino Mamulaishvili