About pathologies of cervix

  • The last period in Georgia, as in the entire world, increase of the number of  cases of cervical carcinoma among young women is apparent. Luckily this disease belongs to the preventable  ones. That is why, very actual is up-to-date diagnostics of precancerous and not precancerous pathologies of cervix, their management and treatment, what almost in all the cases allows to avoid development of cancer.
  • 99% of cervix pathologies are connected with human papilloma virus (HPV), one of the most common sexually transmitted symptomless infections. There are also the other risk-factors of its development, such as consumption of nicotine, long use of hormonal contraceptives, genital infections, earlier age of commencement of sexual life, frequent abortions and quantity of sexual partners in a lifetime of the man having sexual relations with the woman;
  • Currently the following methods of examination are used for timely detection of cervix pathologies and prevention of cancer: visual examination of cervix with the mirrors, cytological examination of epithelium (PAP-test), Hr-HPV DNA testing, colposcopy and, in case of need,  biopsy from suspicious area and further histomorphological examination. Vaccination is also a method of prevention, but it should be taken into consideration that the vaccina protects us only from some types Hr-HPV, thus, risk of development of cervical carcinoma is low, but it still exists.
  • Currently about 100 types of papillomaviruses are identified, including low risk HPV types: 6,11,42,43,44 etc. which  may cause genital condylomas and development of low grade lesion and 13 high risk HPV types: 16,18,31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59,66,68. In case of their long persistence the low or high grade lesion and cervical cancer may develop.
  • Colposcopy together with further cytological and histological examinations allows  us deeper and fundamentally research pathological process, as such examination includes assessment of epithelium of cervix and vagina, detection of the affected area, differentiation of benign and suspicious for malignancy changes and in case of need, target  biopsy for further histomorphological examination with the special instrument – colposcope which optical system allows magnification of images 7-35 times.

Methods of treatment

  • Methods of treatment of precancerous and not precancerous pathologies: excision of cervix, electrocoagulation, criodestruction,  removal of polyps and warts иy the method of excision and destruction, but in some cases only observation  is required, as HPV is not only enough highly contagious, but  spontaneously recoverable infection.
  • According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, PAP test and colposcopic examination should be got by every woman in 6 months after starting of sexual relationship and further – annually, regardless any symptoms, for timely detection and treatment of the symptomless pathologies of cervix.